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Spark Comic 82
December 6th, 2015
Spark Comic #82 - Finals Claus

Sing-Along with the audio version!

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better study I'm telling you why! Finals Claus is coming to town!

My apologies for my horrible singing ability. This is a comic I've had planned for a long time but wanted to make it around the Holiday season since 'tis the season for Winter Finals and exams for students. Ironically, I'm making this comic while I'm now no longer a student. I get the stress that comes along for this time of year, believe me. While I had relatively few exams compared to some people I know, I had many big final projects (Which could be much harder than any typical exam in some cases). I have vivid memories of my own struggles and the stress of my friends when it was time for finals and exams. For students, Finals Claus comes to terrorize us at least twice a year. Throughout public school, and two University degrees, Finals Claus came for me and I beat him gloriously every time without fail, I'm sure you can too. Good luck students! :)

This was a big comic and was delayed so that I could get everything just right, even the song. It made me realize that unfortunately I'm not going to be able to make comics on a set schedule right now if I want to be satisfied with my work and do what I want. While I do have quite a bit of time on my hands right now, I'm also pursuing other forms of art and media (Comics are only a small part of what I actually do; I am a Multimedia Artist) and though doing comics weekly has been a great help in the past, it's somewhat blocking me now. That's not to say I quit comics. On the contrary, I'm still going to be making them fairly regularly and you can expect at least one or two more before the end of the month/year, but comics won't be coming on a set schedule every week for the next little while. I want more time to do other forms of art AND make even better comics. Please understand.

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See you next comic!
