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Spark Comic 14
June 29th, 2011
Spark Comic #14 - Anime North 2011

Hello to all in Sparky Land. I am back to making Comics after a hiatus caused by my busy work schedule... Okay, and slightly because of laziness, BUT ONLY SLIGHTLY!

This comic, the sheer definition of better late than never, chronicles my adventures at Anime North last month in late May. It was my first time going in I think 2 or 3 years. I honestly think looking at all the costumes is half the fun of the convention.

Was really surprised to see the Ronald McDonald/Joker piece that inspired me all those years ago in the Artist Alley again. It was sold out when I originally saw it so I took a photo of it back then from afar to remember it. Years later, before going to Anime North this year and seeing it, it inspired 2 of what are probably some of my best-loved pictures so far (Ronald McJoker. and Spark Comic #10). Was happy to buy it and get it autographed, though I can't remember the artist's name anymore. Gave my deviantart address to the artist though, I wonder if SHE saw it?! :D

I had fun at Anime North this year. Hopefully I'll be able to go next year and have "epic fun times" again! :)
