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Spark Comic 90
May 12th, 2016
Spark Comic #90 - Civil Scuffle

Welcome back to Spark Comics, where we ask the question: Team Iron Man or Team Cap? Either way, you got yourselves a Civil War... Or at least a scuffle.

Captain America: Civil War opened last week and while I haven't seen it yet at this time of writing, I'm super pumped for the movie. The big attraction to Civil War is, of course, the civil war between all the super heroes. However, when you really compare the capabilities of Team Iron Man and Team Captain America it becomes really one-sided. Most of Team Iron Man could probably 1 v 6 Team Captain America and win. Team Cap just seems like it's full of the rejects who weren't cool enough to join Team Iron Man. Still, even though it's not as big a battle as the comics it's based on, I'm really psyched to see all the super heroes on screen. I'm especially hyped to see Spider-Man and Black Panther. I can't wait to see what Spidey will do now that he's back in Marvel's hands. Black Panther is one of my favorite Marvel Heroes that I never thought they'd bring to film, but I am so excited they finally have and he looks amazing. I look forward to seeing the movie, but as a friend of mine said a few weeks ago, it's more of a civil scuffle than a civil war.

If you've kept up with my Facebook Page, you'll know that I've been quite busy lately. Recently, the video game I made for my Masters thesis, An/Other, has gotten unexpected amounts of attention. It was featured in the Torontoist and Toronto Star and I've been overwhelmed by media attention and other recent events in my life. It's been an insane week.

Additionally, I'll be showcasing An/Other at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF) this weekend for their Comics Vs Games Exhibit! Ironically, I won't be there for my comics, however, I will be selling my first batch of Spark Comics merch in the form of buttons and bookmarks and you can play my game! If you're in Toronto, come by and check out TCAF! It's free!

See you next comic! :)
